
取车评价: 还车评价:

对闪租评价 满意
取车体验 约好机场接去车行取车,很方便。
还车体验 还车后车行小伙子送回到机场,服务很好。
车图标 名爵 HS或同组车型

租车公司: 租租车:

对Europcar的评价: 最先没有给预定三菱,发现行李偏小,找到门店还是给换了一辆三菱!
对租租车的评价: 下次还用租租车
车图标 三菱 欧蓝德或同组车型

租车公司: 租租车:

对Europcar的评价: 两个小伙子服务好
对租租车的评价: 服务好
车图标 三菱 欧蓝德或同组车型

租车公司: 租租车:

对Europcar的评价: 总体满意,有个腿上有残疾的女员工服务态度生硬,业务知识不强!
对租租车的评价: 租租车服务好,7708工号员工服务主动意识强!
车图标 三菱 欧蓝德或同组车型

租车公司: 租租车:

对GO Iceland的评价: 服务很好,实际车辆由Ace rent a car提供,不过门店都在一起,应该是共同经营的。第四天前挡风玻璃被小石子打了个小坑,还车时门店人也没要求赔偿!好评!加油时记得避开南方黑沙滩附近的加油站,油很不禁烧。
对租租车的评价: 预定方便,提醒到位,好评,以后还会选择租租车
车图标 现代 途胜或同组车型

租车公司: 租租车:

对Sicily By Car的评价: I am very satisfied with the service attitude and waiting time at Sicily By Car rental company. Their staff were friendly, professional, and efficient in handling the rental procedures. The waiting time was also relatively short, making the entire car pickup process very smooth.
对租租车的评价: As for the booking experience and customer service on the Zuzuche website/APP, I am also satisfied. The website/APP interface is user-friendly, with a clear and understandable booking process that is convenient and quick. The customer service is responsive and helpful, promptly addressing any questions or concerns I had, which left me with a positive impression.
自驾心得: As for our overall driving and rental experience, it was exceptional. The rental car was in excellent condition, and driving was a pleasure. Navigating through Italian cities and countryside was a joy, offering us the freedom to explore at our own pace. We were impressed by the convenience and flexibility of having a rental car, which allowed us to maximize our travel experience. Looking forward to our next adventure!
自驾线路: Our driving route was from Rome to Pisa, then to Florence, and back to Rome. Along the way, we traversed scenic countryside roads, taking in the breathtaking views of the Italian landscape. We made stops at iconic landmarks such as the Leaning Tower of Pisa and the Uffizi Gallery in Florence, immersing ourselves in the rich cultural heritage of eac
车图标 雷诺 Clio或同组车型

取车评价: 还车评价:

对闪租评价 很满意!
取车体验 手续简便,服务热情,
车图标 丰田 RAV4或同组车型

租车公司: 租租车:

对Enterprise的评价: 多次在limerick的市中心租车了每次都能给我升级车型。
对租租车的评价: 很方便很实用
自驾心得: 租租车的订单给他们看一下就可以了,然后中国的驾照,甚至翻译件都不需要看了。可以在租租车上买最低的保险,然后在店里买个27欧的全险这样更稳妥,当然在租租车app上面买全险,回来给你报销这样也可以。我在店里买了保险,上高速,车窗被小石子崩了一个小口,回来就检查一下就没有什么事情了。另外晚换车一个小时都没有什么问题,工作人员很有耐心,还问你体验怎么样。路上风景很不错,如果夏天爱尔兰更美丽。到处到时候花,野性大西洋。
自驾线路: limerick-丁格尔半岛
车图标 福特 嘉年华或同组车型

租车公司: 租租车:

对Enterprise的评价: 满意
对租租车的评价: 总体感觉比较满意 方便
车图标 丰田 卡罗拉 两厢或同组车型