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Times 石垣机场店


中大型MPV:Toyota Voxy或同组车型
  • 自动挡 x7 x4
  • 取车: 2018-04-28 日本 石垣市 Ishigaki Airport
  • 还车: 2018-05-02 日本 石垣市 Ishigaki Airport
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  • Times的评价 满意


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    • 租车公司 Times
    • 用户 李**
    • 订单 73****27
    • 取车 日本 石垣市
    • 预订车型Axela Sport
    • 租车行程0人同行 共5天
    • Times 的评价 满意


    • 对租租车的评价 满意


    • 租车公司 Times
    • 用户 匿名
    • 订单 44****67
    • 取车 日本 石垣市
    • 预订车型C10 Free Sell Honda Fit
    • 租车行程0人同行 共2天
    • Times 的评价 非常满意

    • 对租租车的评价 非常满意

    • 租车公司 Times
    • 用户 P**n
    • 订单 80****42
    • 取车 日本 石垣市
    • 预订车型C10 Free Sell Honda Fit
    • 租车行程0人同行 共4天
    • Times 的评价 非常不满意

      We rented a car from “Times Car Rental” on the Ishigaki Island(Japan) between 12/10/2019-16/10/2019 though Zuzuhe.com. Unfortunately, accident happened on 15/10/2019. Our car hit another car when we open the door in the car park. We had called and reported to the police, insurance company and “Times Car Rental”.
      After that, we had visited the office of “Times Car Rental” near the airport. We had been informed, we have to pay the NOC(Non-operation Charge). We told them there are no damage should be repair on our car, they should not charge the NOC. But they insist to charge that. They said we had bought full coverage insurance from Zuzuhe.com, we can claim the NOC form Zuzuhe.com. So we must pay the NOC to “Times Car Rental” in advance. We helplessly agreed after a long argue with “Times Car Rental”.
      We applied to claim the NOC form Zuzuhe.com after we back to Hong Kong(17/10/2019).
      We got a reply on 09/11/2019 that the NOC should not be charged, since our car don’t have any damage to repair. The NOC we had paid will be refunded to us.
      However, we didn’t get any refund from “Times Car Rental” till now(12/01/2020). It is already 3 months, I don’t know how long I suppose to wait?

    • 心得建议

      We rented a car from “Times Car Rental” on the Ishigaki Island(Japan) between 12/10/2019-16/10/2019 though Zuzuhe.com. Unfortunately, accident happened on 15/10/2019. Our car hit another car when we open the door in the car park. We had called and reported to the police, insurance company and “Times Car Rental”.
      After that, we had visited the office of “Times Car Rental” near the airport. We had been informed, we have to pay the NOC(Non-operation Charge). We told them there are no damage should be repair on our car, they should not charge the NOC. But they insist to charge that. They said we had bought full coverage insurance from Zuzuhe.com, we can claim the NOC form Zuzuhe.com. So we must pay the NOC to “Times Car Rental” in advance. We helplessly agreed after a long argue with “Times Car Rental”.
      We applied to claim the NOC form Zuzuhe.com after we back to Hong Kong(17/10/2019).
      We got a reply on 09/11/2019 that the NOC should not be charged, since our car don’t have any damage to repair. The NOC we had paid will be refunded to us.
      However, we didn’t get any refund from “Times Car Rental” till now(12/01/2020). It is already 3 months, I don’t know how long I suppose to wait?

Times 石垣机场店
  • 门店电话:
  • 0980-84-4141
  • 营业时间:
  • 08:00-19:00(以门店实际安排为准)
  • 门店地址:
  • 石垣市盛山東牛種子222-289 222-289, MORIYAMA HIGASHI, USHITANE,,ISHIGAKI,JP-47,JP
Times 石垣机场店