
租车公司: 租租车:

自驾线路: 苏梅岛浪漫温馨自由行,驾车轻松去了所有攻略推荐的景点,相当便捷经济舒适!
车图标 丰田 威驰或同组车型

租车公司: 租租车:

对National的评价: Very good service from national. We checked the car at night, and guy was very patient to point out all scratches and explain us the details. And also flexible when we return the car.
对租租车的评价: Good. First time to use, but quite satisfactory, and will use for my next trip.
自驾心得: Manual shift, very powerful and spacey . Suitable for big family. We are a bit worrying about the right wheels, but it turns out very easy to adapt. Just be careful when you pass others.
车图标 Toyota Commuter或同组车型