服务不错 没有赶上大批量航班抵达,排队人数不多
Hertz 一向服务不错,车况也好。就是这次途中车胎被扎,又赶上周六,附近hertz门店没有车,后来我们打车回苏黎世机场的Hetrtz换的新车。当然打车费Hertz有报销,整体还可以吧。就是分店的车辆有些紧俏。
I do hope that Hertz company Zurich should reasonably charge money over my incidental bump scratches in car front left head corner of the car I rented during my recent self driving trip to Switzerland and other countries! Thus it could help upgrade Hertz’s credibility in user’s minds! Thxxxxxxx!
Good service on the whole!