ZUZUCHE is a great platform to rent a car for overseas travel. Good and swift services and state of the art APP and attractive price. I chose ZUZUCHE for my recent two trips at least. The only thing I think it could do a bit better was to know the details of local market more, such as the requirement of driver license in my case. Excellent is not reached by playing safe. Anyhow it was a minor issue. I still trust ZUZUCHE.
HONG KONG driver license was accepted but the ZUZUCHE customer service did not know that and insisted a translation which costed me 30 RMB but useless in Melbourne.
Easy except unfamiliar English system - right driver seat(wiper) and traffic circle occasionally caused minor issues
Gas was convenient ,toll was automatic and google map worked well. In general a pleasant experience.
在墨尔本取车时, 一直要我们买保险,说有任何一点小擦痕都要我们陪,而且即使被别的车撞了,我也要我们自己出钱修理,自己我们不得不买了保险,当拿到车时,这车上已经有很多小擦痕了,当时也没人拍照记录,感觉我们完全被骗了,感觉拿一辆到处都是刮伤的车给我们,如果没买保险,回来就要我们赔,另外我在定车时,说明了我会开车去菲利普岛,当时显示可以,尽然过了2,3周打电话给我说,车不能来去菲利普岛, 当时我所有行程都定好了,后来让租租车的人员和他们去沟通,就等于签好的合同,过2,3周反悔了,我不同意,后来的协调是不能通过Ferry上岛,可以走桥,强烈不推荐AVIS,我们这次旅行一共定了三家公司的车, hetz和 apex rental, 另外两家都没有一点问题, 推荐apex rental 我在悉尼用他们的车,取车快,价格便宜,服务态度很好